Sharing work online is very important as students get an opportunity to show and write about their work for others to see and comment on.
In fabric extension, I worked on a quilt of my horse 'Faith'. I started off slow and not really knowing what to do next. In the last few weeks I really worked hard. First I got a blown up picture of Faith and traced pattern pieces onto tracing paper and then onto visor fix, which is a special paper that glues to the fabric. The fabric got cut out and then put together on the background I had chosen. I then had to choose a back pattern and put padding in between them to make it thick and cushiony. Next was the sewing machine! We got black fur for the mane which really made the horse come to life. After sewing everything together Mrs Dainty bound it which means she sewed the border on. After the holidays I got so exited coming back to school because I knew I would see my quilt. I loved it so much!
I am really proud of my quilt and so is my family. Now Faith will be with us forever. By Nicole
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